Going to the Fair!

agriculture fair

August is one of my favorite times of year.  Living in New England brings new excitement with every season, but the end of summer is always special.  The water is finally warm enough for me to swim in the ocean, our local farms are selling excellent produce, and it is fair season.

Every year my wife’s family gets together in Martha’s Vineyard to celebrate summer birthdays, and go to the local Agricultural Fair.  We have been going to the fair for years and years, and always love the sights and smells of the fairground in August.  I love seeing the prize-winning animals – blue ribbon chickens of all varieties, draft horses, and the newest litter of piglets from the farm.  My kids are especially fond of the alpacas, and the corn dogs.  The farm contests are always a treat and feel like stepping into another way of life – the lumberjack shows are as impressive as the ox pulls!  Beyond the professional farmers’ work, we always make time to wander the big barn and marvel at the displays of artwork and home gardening put on by locals and hobbyists.  

Fair season around New England always feels like a chance to celebrate the best that our region has to offer.  Going to the fair is a great time to connect with our roots, and enjoy some fun and crazy foods.  

Deep fried candy bars, anyone?


Dr. Benjamin Roth
Orthodontist, Franklin and  Needham offices

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