12 Fun Facts About Dental Implants

12 Fun Facts About Dental Implants

In this blog from Chestnut Dental, we present 12 fun facts about dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing or badly diseased teeth. They are designed to look and function just like natural teeth, with two parts: a cylindrical metal post that is placed below the gum line to act as a tooth root, and a crown to be attached to the top of the post. In order to place the implants, surgery is first required to place the post and then the crown is added after a period of months for healing.

Dental implants are crafted from titanium and other materials that are compatible with the body. After the implant post is surgically placed, the bone in your jaw must fuse tightly around it to provide a secure foundation. This process relies on the quality and thickness of the bone in your jaw, as well as your overall health. If you are wondering if you are a good candidate for dental implants, you should ask your dentist and the team at Chestnut Dental.

What Are 12 Fun Facts About Dental Implants?

  • Did you know that humans have been using dental implants since 600 AD? The idea of replacing a missing tooth for restorative purposes is not new at all. Evidence of early dental implants can be found in Mayan civilization. Modern-day scientists cite a Mayan woman with tooth-like pieces of shell hammered into her jaw as an example. Other early substitutes for missing teeth also include stones.

  • In 1790, an American dentist named Josiah Flagg constructed the first chair for dental patients by modifying a plain wooden chair. His modifications for this special chair included an adjustable headrest and arm extension to hold dental instruments.

  • In 1937, the first screw dental implant was placed.

  • In 1951, a small group of dentists formed the American Academy Of Implant Dentistry to share their knowledge of implantology.

  • In 1952, Swedish orthopedic surgeon P.I.Branemark was conducting research when he accidentally discovered that titanium naturally fuses with the bone. This was remarkable, as the metal would not be rejected by living tissue. Branemark then dedicated his research to developing a system of dental implants.

  • Modern-day dental implants serve to preserve natural bone, even if they do replace a missing tooth. The replacement tooth in a dental implant stimulates bone growth, whereas a gap from a missing tooth could cause bone deterioration due to a lack of stimulation.

  • Modern dental implants have been used successfully for over 3 decades.

  • In the United States, 3 million people have dental implants. This number grows by 500,000 every year as more and more people elect to undergo this beneficial restorative dentistry procedure.

  • Dental implant surgery is one of the safest and most predictable procedures in the world when performed by a trained and experienced dental implant dentist.

  • More and more, in recognizing their long-term benefits, insurance companies in the US provide coverage for dental implants.

  • Dental implants won’t decay–but they benefit from daily hygiene, routine check-ups, and professional cleanings, the same as your natural teeth.

  • With proper care, dental implants can last for decades. Other restorative dentistry options, such as bridges or dentures, need to be replaced as often as every 5-10 years.

Why Choose Chestnut Dental?

At Chestnut Dental, we are committed to ensuring that everyone gets to enjoy a healthy, radiant smile. Our team of experienced dental implant specialists is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of comfort and care, so that the process of getting necessary dental restorations, such as implants, is a stress-free experience. We have successfully helped hundreds of patients get their smiles back, and we are ready to do the same for you. Call us today and find out how our trusted team can get you on your way to a beautiful smile.

Chestnut Dental is proud to offer three locations to serve patients all over Massachusetts. With over 5 decades of experience refining the Chestnut Dental coordinated care model and offices open on Saturdays and during the evening, Chestnut Dental is ready for all your cosmetic, general, and restorative dentistry needs. If you are interested in improving your smile and self-esteem, get in touch with our experts in Bedford, Needham, or Franklin today.

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